On the edge of the village of Kamilari, 2.5 km from the middle southcoast of Crete, are sited our apartments “Petaloudes” (butterfleys).
A stay in Petaloudes includes also the use of the private swimmingpool, the children’s pool and the parkingplace.
Kamilari is a village full of life, with a panoramic view to the endless olivegroves of the Messarabay and the Idamountains on the one side, and to the Libian Sea on the other side.
This typical Cretan village is located 2.5 km from the beautifull sand beach of Kalamaki and Kommos, 3 km from the Minoan sita of Phaistos and Agia Triada and 65 km from Heraklion.
In Kamilari you will find a minimarket / butcher, several good tavernas, a pizzeria, traditional “Kafenions” and an internetcafé.
Because there are not a lot of tourists, food and drinks are still very cheep.
The village is also famous for it’s healthy climate and 10 months of sunshine in a year.
For the people who like to relax and to enjoy the sun: you will always find a protected beach nearby.
For them who want to discover Crete by foot or by car: you will find a lot of beautifull places that not are mensioned in the tourist guides!
We wish you a very nice time in Petaloudes!

E-mail: rita (apestaart) petaloudes.be
Tel: +30 (0)697 - 8465041 (Grieks nr)
Tel: +32 (0)496 - 163431 (Belgisch nr)
For any information about “Petaloudes”
you can contact Paul Wils and Rita Gregoor.